We offer individual Healing Sessions in place or at distance for adults, children, couples; Group Healing Sessions for more than two people, families, corporates, institutions, destitute areas of the Society. Healing Retreats of half day, one day or one week end. We are planning residential Healing Tours of one week in enchanting places of Italy and India.
Our Group Healing Sessions offer Vibratory Healing hands off, Sound Therapy with Gong and/or Singing Bowls and other instruments like the Indian Tanpura, Sansula, Koshi Chimes.
Reconnective Healing, The Reconnection© and Past Life Regression Therapy are offered only in individual sessions.
Our Healing Retreats and specifically requested Programs, include teaching and practicing the Meditation of the Kriya Yoga Path, the Energization Exercises of Paramhansa Yogananda, Superconscious Living Exercises of Swami Kriyananda, Affirmations, Visualizations, Chakra Balance through Sound and AUM chanting, Paramhansa Yogananda’s Healing Techniques.
For booking our services please contact us at: healing@kriyahealing.it

Cecilia and Vivek Sharma are not medical doctors nor claim to be so: they don’t make diagnosis or prescriptions, the methods they use can not be considered a Therapy in the common sense of the word and they don't guarantee specific results. They suggest to consult a medical doctor to take care of your physical state, recommending not to reduce or suspend the medical therapies that are already on course.